
How many kilometers does a person travel in 45 minutes if they move at a rate of 8.3 m/s?



Answer to a math question How many kilometers does a person travel in 45 minutes if they move at a rate of 8.3 m/s?

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ANSWER To find out how many kilometers a person travels in 45 minutes at a rate of 8.3 meters per second, you can use the following steps: 1. First, calculate how many seconds are in 45 minutes. There are 60 seconds in a minute, so 45 minutes is equal to 45 * 60 = 2700 seconds. 2. Next, calculate the total distance traveled in meters during this time. You can use the formula: Distance (in meters) = Speed (in meters per second) × Time (in seconds). Distance = 8.3 m/s × 2700 s = 22,410 meters. 3. To express the distance in kilometers, you can divide the distance in meters by 1000, as there are 1000 meters in a kilometer. Distance in kilometers = 22,410 meters / 1000 = 22.41 kilometers. So, a person travels approximately 22.41 kilometers in 45 minutes at a rate of 8.3 meters per second.

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