
Solve : 15/16 divide 12/8 =x/y



Answer to a math question Solve : 15/16 divide 12/8 =x/y

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56 Answers
$\begin{array} { l }\frac{ 15 }{ 16 }\div\frac{ 12 }{ 8 }=\frac{ x }{ y },& y≠0\end{array}$
$\frac{ 15 }{ 16 }\div\frac{ 3 }{ 2 }=\frac{ x }{ y }$
$\frac{ 5 }{ 8 }=\frac{ x }{ y }$
$y=\frac{ 8 }{ 5 }x$
$\begin{array} { l }y=\frac{ 8 }{ 5 }x,& y≠0\end{array}$

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