1. Consider the students and friends as a graph where each student is a vertex, and an undirected edge exists between two vertices if both students are friends.
2. The problem requires proving that this graph is bipartite.
3. A graph is bipartite if and only if it has no odd-length cycles.
4. Start with any vertex and perform BFS or DFS to try to color the graph using two colors, such that no two adjacent vertices share the same color.
5. If successful, you have a bipartite graph, meaning that nodes can be divided into two groups, each corresponding to one lecture.
6. If at any point you find a vertex with the same color during the graph traversal across an edge, there exists an odd-length cycle.
7. The presence of such a cycle would contradict the criteria as friendship is symmetrical, ensuring each cycle detected can be colored alternately, validating bipartiteness.
8. Since each student has at least one friend, and that ensures the graph has no isolated points, every path will connect properly into two sets.
9. Thus, the students can always be divided into two lectures maintaining the condition.
Answer: The students can always be divided in a manner where each student has at least one friend attending a different lecture.