Jett – math expert in


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Hello, I am pleased to introduce myself as a Mathmaster Expert 😊 I am Engr. Paul Eejay Dy, a Registered Civil Engineer in the Philippines and Mathematics has always been my favorite subject. Studying Mathematics is a really difficult but fun experience for me and with the help of really great teachers and professors that helped me on this journey, I overcame all the obstacles that came my way until I achieved my dream profession. So for all Mathmaster users, it is a great pleasure to be part of your journey into this rough but fulfilling journey of studying Mathematics. Study hard, and keep fighting for your dreams 😇🙏

Math certificates Jett – math expert in, certificates 2
Math certificates Jett – math expert in, certificates 2
Math diplomas Jett – math expert in, diplomas 1

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Exercise No. 1 (50 points) Suppose an economy in which the sensitivity of money demand tends to infinity. Draw a graph of the implementation of a contractionary fiscal policy and explain the result obtained in a maximum of 5 rows. Indicators / Levels of achievement Achieved Moderately achieved Not achieved Explanation Explain correctly considering the cause-effect relationship (15 points) Correctly explains that there are 2 errors in the cause-effect relationship. (6 points) Does not explain correctly and does not take into account the cause effect relationship (0 points) Variables Identifies all the variables involved in the process. (10 points) Identify a process variable (5 points) Does not identify all the variables involved in the process (0 points) Chart Make the chart incorporating all the model variables (25 points) Create the graph incorporating only two variables of the model (12 points) Make a graph with the incorrect variables (0 points) Exercise No. 2 (50 points) A) In a maximum of 5 lines, explain in your own words the difference between a nominal and a real appreciation in the exchange rate. B) Does the final result in the Trade Balance differ between a nominal and a real appreciation? Indicators / Levels of achievement Achieved Moderately achieved Not achieved Explanation The differences between both are correctly verified. Appreciations: (25 points) One of the two assessments is correctly verified (12 points) The differences between both are not correctly verified. Appreciations (0 points) Trade balance Identify the result on the Balance commercial with appreciation nominal and real (25 points) Identify the result in the Trade balance with a type of appreciation (12 points) Does not identify the result in the Trade Balance (0 points)