Bonga currently has a portfolio of ordinary shares representing several different companies. Bonga considers it to be a well-balanced investment portfolio, but he wants to reduce the overall risk of the portfolio a bit more by including ordinary shares from Titan Mining Corporation. The following information on Titan Mining Corporation is available: For the period 2017 to 2020, the company paid the following dividends per year respectively: R3,14; R3,55; R3,89; and R3,95. The 2021 dividend is expected to increase by the average growth rate of the dividends between 2017 and 2020, and the dividend will increase by 10% per year indefinitely from 2022 onwards. Bonga requires a return of 15% on his investment portfolio and is not prepared to pay more than R52,00 per ordinary share of Titan Mining Corporation.Calculate the current price of Titan Mining Corporation’s ordinary share.