Learning math doesn't need to be boring. You don't have to stick to traditional textbook learning to succeed. There are so many creative ways to learn what you need while enjoying it — one of them is playing a game using math trivia questions.
Below we've included trivia questions for you to enjoy with your family or classmates.
30 Fun Math Trivia Questions
- What is the sum of a triangle's interior angles?Answer: 180°
- What is the next number in the Fibonacci Sequences 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34?Answer: 55
- Would you say Pi is an irrational or rational number?Answer: Pi is irrational. It cannot be expressed as a fraction.
- Who invented the use of negative numbers?Answer: The Chinese invented negative numbers to calculate a person's debt.
- Which of the first ten numbers is the most prime?Answer: Seven - since seven cannot be divided or multiplied by the first ten.
- What Follows Millions, Billions, and Trillions?Answer: Quadrillion
- 52 Divided By 4 EqualsAnswer: 13
- What is the only temperature that is identical in both Celsius and Fahrenheit?Answer: 40 Below is the same value in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
- What is the least common multiple of 6, 8, and 12?Answer: 24.
- When do we celebrate Pi day?Answer: March 14. The date March 14 was chosen for its numeric value (3.14), which corresponds to the first three digits of Pi.
- Who was the Greek mathematician who used tiny rocks to represent equations and numbers?Answer: Pythagoras of Samos
- Which prime number is the only even one?Answer: The only even prime number is two.
- What is used in Israel instead of "+"?Answer: In Israel, the ﬩ symbol is used for addition, which resembles an upside-down "T." Regular plus signs (+) are carefully avoided in the Israeli educational system because they closely resemble crosses.
- An improper fraction must always be bigger than what number?Answer: 1
- Which of the following numbers can be divided evenly by two: "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"?Answer: They can all be evenly divided into two parts. In the case of seven, it divides into 3 ½.
- One and three quarter revolutions equal how many degrees?Answer: 630 (360 + 270)
- Which number is the only one whose meaning can be written in the same number of letters?Answer: The word "four" has exactly four letters, matching its meaning.
- What is the sum of the other four faces on a dice if you throw a six?Answer: 14. The 1 would be face down on the table out of view.
- In which area of math are the phrases sine, cosine, and tangent used?Answer: Trigonometry
- What was the initial version of the English numbers used in mathematics today?Answer: Arabic numerals.
- The first mathematician found this Pythagoras Constant in approximately 500 BC. What is it?Answer: The square root of two.
- What number does not have a Roman numeral of its own?Answer: There is no Roman numeral for zero.
- What letter appears in every odd number?Answer: Every odd number contains an "e."
- What number is regarded as a magic number?Answer: 9. The decimal system, which originated in the Indian subcontinent around 3000 BC, marks the conclusion of a cycle with the number 9, which is respected in Hinduism and seen as a full, perfected, and divine number.
- Where is the number four seen as unlucky?Answer: In Asia, the number four is considered unlucky because it sounds a lot like the word for "death" (pronounced 'shi').
- What is an eight-sided polygon?Answer: Octagon. Oct is a symbol for the number 8.
- Which one is the oldest? Figurate, Fibonacci, Kaprekar, Mersenne.Answer: Figurate. One of the first areas of mathematics, figurate numbers, dates back to the Pythagoreans in the 6th century BCE.
- What is the only number that is written in alphabetical order?Answer: Forty
- "Father of Calculus": who is he?Answer: Scientist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton was the first person to be given credit for creating calculus.
- What is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change also known as?Answer: Mathematics. The quantity is represented by number theory, the structure by algebra, the space by geometry, and the change is represented by analysis.
Bottom Line
The importance of math has only become more relevant with time. While there are fun ways to study it using math trivia questions, there are also apps that help solve math easily.
If you're stuck with a challenging math problem, you can use our app, MathMaster. It helps in solving any math question and provides you with a breakdown of the solution.