
A rectangle is to be made from a 24cm long piece of wire. One side of the rectangle is twice as long as the other. Write an equation and solve it.



Answer to a math question A rectangle is to be made from a 24cm long piece of wire. One side of the rectangle is twice as long as the other. Write an equation and solve it.

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71 Answers
Let the shorter side of the rectangle be x cm. Then, the longer side will be 2x cm.

Perimeter of the rectangle is given by the sum of all four sides:
2x + 2(2x) = 24
Simplify the equation:
2x + 4x = 24
6x = 24
Divide by 6 on both sides:
x = 4

So, the shorter side of the rectangle is 4 cm and the longer side is 2 \times 4 = 8 cm.

\textbf{Answer:} The shorter side of the rectangle is 4 cm.

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