
At the city museum, child admission is $5.10 and adult admission is $8.20. On Thursday, three times as many adult tickets as child tickets were sold, for a total sales of $1069.20. How many child tickets were sold that day?



Answer to a math question At the city museum, child admission is $5.10 and adult admission is $8.20. On Thursday, three times as many adult tickets as child tickets were sold, for a total sales of $1069.20. How many child tickets were sold that day?

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76 Answers
Let x be the number of child tickets sold.
Then the number of adult tickets sold is 3x .

The total sales can be expressed as:
5.10x + 8.20(3x) = 1069.20

Solve for x :
5.10x + 24.60x = 1069.20
29.70x = 1069.20
x = \frac{1069.20}{29.70}
x \approx 36

Therefore, 36 child tickets were sold that day.

\boxed{36} child tickets were sold that day.

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