
draw the condensed formula fpr 3,3,4 triethylnonane



Answer to a math question draw the condensed formula fpr 3,3,4 triethylnonane

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Solution: The parent chain is a nonane, which is a nine-carbon chain (prefix non-) with only single bonds (suffix -ane). The terminal carbons have 3 hydrogens atoms bonded, while the middle carbons have 2 hydrogen atoms bonded. The ethyl group is derived from ethane, a two-carbon chain with 3 hydrogen atoms bonded to each, but one hydrogen replaced by a carbon from the parent function. Therefore, from the parent function nonane, the hydrogen atoms decrease by 1 per each ethyl group, but gets replaced by 2 carbons and 5 hydrogens. Therefore, the total number of carbons is C=9+3\left(2\right)=15 and the number of hydrogens is H=3\left(2\right)+2\left(9-2\right)-3\left(1\right)+3\left(5\right)=32 Therefore, the condensed formula for 3,3,4-triethylnonane is C_{15}H_{32}

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