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TOP 7 GMAT Practice Math Questions

The GMAT exam is a crucial part of your admission to business schools. If mathematics is still a struggle, the only way to master those math equations is to do a few GMAT math practice questions. The more GMAT practice questions you attempt, the better your chances are of succeeding in GMAT.

GMAT Math Practice Questions With Explanations

Question 1

What is the value of m if one of the roots of the quadratic equation x2 + mx + 24 = 0 is 1.5?

B. -22.5

C. -17.5

D. -10.5

E. No valid answer

Answer: C


If 1.5 is a root of the quadratic equation, then the equation can be satisfied by replacing x = 1.5.

The quadratic formula is expressed as x2 + mx + 24 = 0.

In the equation above, replace x with 1.5 since 1.5 is the root of the equation.

(1.5)2 + 1.5m + 24 = 0

2.25 + 1.5m + 24 = 0

1.5m = -26.25 Or m = -26.25/1.5 = -17.5

Question 2

Which of the following is greater than a 1/2?

A. 4/9

B. 4/7

C. 2/5

D. 6/13

E. 5/11

Answer: B


Converting fractions to decimals is one technique to use to deal with them. In this situation, you must determine which is more than 0.5.

If not, double the numerator and check to see if the result is greater than the denominator to determine which is bigger than 1/2. For instance, in B, which is the correct answer, doubling the numerator results in 8, which is greater than 7.

Question 3

What is the mean (average) of all the multiples of 10 from 10-190 inclusive?

A. 95

B. 90

C. 100

D. 110

E. 105

Answer: C


The multiples of 10 (10 + 20 + 30... + 190) could be added together and divided by the number of terms – 19.

Alternatively, you can determine that the value of the middle term is equal to the average of a set of values that are an evenly spaced series (or the average of the two middle terms if there are an even number of terms). The tenth term in the series is the middle term out of 19 equals 100.

Question 4

Solve ( √2 - √3 )² =

A. 5 - 2√6

B. 1 - 2√6

C. 5 - √6

D. 1

Answer: A


Expand as for (a - b)².

(√2 - √3)(√2 - √3)

= 2 - 2(√2 x √3) + 3

= 5 - 2 √6

GMAT Practice Questions With Easy To Understand Explanations

Question 5

In a class of 78 pupils, 22 are enrolled in Spanish, and 41 are taking Latin. 9 of the students taking either Spanish or Latin are also enrolled in the other. How many pupils are not registered for either course?

A. 15

B. 6

C. 24

D. 54

E. 33

Answer: C


To determine the number of pupils taking solely Latin, subtract the number of students taking both languages from the number of students taking Latin. A similar calculation can be done for those who are solely taking Spanish. The final calculation should look like this:

Total = only Latin + only Spanish+ both + neither

78 = (41-9) + (22-9) + 9 + neither.

Students not registered = 24

Question 6

How many feet does an object move in an hour if it moves at a speed of five feet per second?

A. 300

B. 30

C. 1800

D. 720

E. 18000

Answer: E


When something moves at a speed of 5 feet per second, it will cover 5x60 feet in a minute and 5x60x60 feet in an hour.

Question 7

The weight of a metal cube is 6 pounds. What would the weight be of a cube of the same metal whose sides are twice as long?

A. 48

B. 24

C. 32

D. 12

E. 18

Answer: A


The ratio of the surface areas of the old and new cubes will be 1: 4 if the sides of a cube are doubled. The old and new cubes' volumes will have a 1:8 volume ratio. This is because volume and weight are proportionate. The second weighs 6x8 pounds, or 48 pounds if the first weighs 6 pounds.

Final Thoughts On GMAT Practice Questions

The examples above are a great start to understanding GMAT math practice questions. Master them before taking your GMAT exam to get a high score. If you are struggling with challenging GMAT practice questions, you can use MathMaster, our innovative math app.