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TOP 6 GED Math Questions in 2023

Just reading your study guide may not be enough when preparing for your GED. Additional GED math questions make for excellent practice if you wish to become familiar with solving any mathematics equation. Below you will find six GED math practice test questions we thought you should use to prepare.

6 GED Math Practice Test Questions

What are the chances of landing a 6 or a 9 if two dice are thrown simultaneously?

A. 12

B. 1616

C. 1414

D. 1313

Answer: C

There are five possible ways to roll two dice and come up with the number six:


There are four ways to roll two dice to equal 9:


Hence, there are 9 ways to calculate the total of 6 or 9.

The likelihood of landing on 6 and 9 is 9 out of 36 or 1414 since we have 6×6=36 total alternatives.

Pedro discovered that pizza was the food that 20 out of 50 pupils in the lunch line liked the most. 520 pupils make up Pedro's middle school. Calculate how many people prefer pizza.

A. 85

B. 220

C. 72

D. 208

Answer: D

Apply a proportion. Let's gauge the proportion of students who enjoy pizza. Do not forget 20 out of 50 of the kids enjoy pizza.

20 out of 50, or 2/5, like pizza.

25 = 𝑠500

Multiply to find the cross products.

1,040 = 5s

Divide each side by 5.

208 = s

About 208 of 520 students probably like pizza.

Sarah needs to hire a cab when she is in California in order to travel from a hotel to a restaurant. The taxi business charges a one-time, flat rate of $3.00 plus $0.75 per mile for using the cab. Create a slope-intercept equation to represent this situation.

A. 𝑦 = 0.75𝑥 + 3

B. 𝑦 = 0.75𝑥 − 3

C. 𝑦 = 3𝑥 + 0.75

D. 𝑦 = 3𝑥 − 0.75

Answer: A

𝑦 = 0.75𝑥 + 3 provides the slope-intercept form in this scenario.

Slope-intercept form: 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏

total cost= 𝑦

number of miles= 𝑥

price per mile= 𝑚

flat fee= 𝑏

The slope-intercept form using our data is shown below.

𝑦 = $0.75𝑥 + $3

As a result, the slope-intercept, in this case, is 𝑦 = 0.75𝑥 + 3.

Fred's bank account is overdrawn. Fred deposits $120 but then discovers his account is still $75 in the red. So, how much did Fred have in his account prior to his deposit?

A. the original balance was overdrawn by $250

B. the original balance was overdrawn by $195

C. the original balance was overdrawn by $205

D. the original balance was overdrawn by $155

Answer: B

Create an equation using the words. Let B be the starting balance.

Original Balance + Fred's Deposit = Current Balance

B + $120= -75

Subtract 120 from both sides to obtain an unknown amount B.




Simplify both sides.




Therefore, the initial overdrawn balance was $195.

11 out of the 55 students that took the exam failed it. What percentage of pupils actually passed the exam?

A. 20%

B. 40%

C. 80%

D. 60%

Answer: C

There are 11 out of 55 failures = 1155

Represent fraction as a percentage

1155 × 100%= 20%

Therefore, 20% of students failed. On the other hand, 80 percent of students so passed the test.

Solve for 𝑥 in the following equation

3𝑥 = 24

A. 8

B. 3

C. 6

D. 12

Answer: A

Multiply both sides of the equation by 3 to isolate the unknown value 𝑥.


Divided by three, the result of multiplication by three is "undone" on the left, bringing the value back to 𝑥. However, on the right 243 = 8. Therefore 𝑥=8.

Substitute 8 into the original equation.

3𝑥 = 24

3(8) = 24

24 = 24

Bottom Line On GED Math Questions

Practicing as many GED math questions as possible is necessary to solve similar equations in the GED exam. Therefore, work on as many GED math practice test questions as you can find that are helpful. However, if you are stuck with tough GED math questions, you can use our innovative math app MathMaster. This app allows you to scan your equation and instantly have the answer and explanation presented to you.