
using the math and science known about the jefferson river bridge Find a truss in use and develop a load diagram. Use a load of 50 lb on each joint along the bottom of the truss for a truss that actrs as a bridge and along the top joints for a truss that acts as a roof



Answer to a math question using the math and science known about the jefferson river bridge Find a truss in use and develop a load diagram. Use a load of 50 lb on each joint along the bottom of the truss for a truss that actrs as a bridge and along the top joints for a truss that acts as a roof

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To develop a load diagram for a truss, we need to consider the forces acting on the truss members due to the applied loads.

In this case, we have a truss that acts as a bridge and as a roof. The load on each joint along the bottom of the truss is 50 lb, and the load on each joint along the top of the truss is also 50 lb.

Step 1: Identify the reactions and supports
- For the bridge truss, we have two reactions at the supports: a vertical reaction (usually denoted as $V$) and a horizontal reaction (usually denoted as $H$).
- For the roof truss, we assume that the truss is simply supported at both ends. Therefore, we only have vertical reactions at the supports.

Step 2: Determine the forces in the truss members
- Start at one end of the truss and work your way to the other end, analyzing each joint.
- Apply the equations of static equilibrium (sum of forces and moments) to each joint to find the unknown forces in the truss members.

Step 3: Draw the load diagram
- Once the forces in the truss members are determined, draw the truss structure and indicate the magnitude and direction of the forces on each member.

Unfortunately, without specific information about the design and dimensions of the Jefferson River Bridge, we cannot provide a specific truss design or load diagram. However, by following the steps mentioned above, you can analyze any truss structure and determine the forces in the members along with developing a load diagram.

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