
You have been hired to estimate the average weight of quarters in circulation. Based on the sample of quarters you collect (below), create a 90% confidence interval for the weight of quarters in circulation. Quarter Weights (grams) 5.631 5.714 5.719 5.689 5.551 5.723 5.705 5.627 5.627 5.715 5.576 5.632 5.641 5.676 5.660 5.699 5.609 5.634 5.713 5.591 5.674 5.675 5.684 5.694 5.655 5.632 5.598 5.675 5.628 5.562 5.636 5.583 5.567 5.551 5.649 5.708 5.696 5.614 5.637 5.601 5.628 5.711 5.566 5.653 5.653 5.597 5.687 5.717 5.678 5.654 5.556 5.707 5.563 5.628 5.679 5.714 5.555 5.719 5.634 5.647 5.717 5.612 5.705 5.657 5.670 5.607 5.687 5.666 5.612 5.718 5.714 5.713 5.663 5.641 5.589 5.656 5.712 5.639 5.577 5.580 5.674 5.636 5.625 5.597 5.616 5.591 5.616 5.700 5.706 5.695 5.562 5.699 5.607 5.573 5.659 5.632 5.654 5.568 5.628 5.687 5.605 5.689 5.687 5.554 5.618 5.701 5.681 5.645 5.714 5.665 5.661 5.634 5.714 5.586 5.656 5.673 5.657 5.717 5.611 5.578 5.579 5.614 5.644 5.724 5.647 5.566 5.697 5.558 5.586 5.586 5.611 5.573 5.573 5.709 5.629 5.649 5.552 5.615 5.645 5.611 5.686 5.588 5.641 5.704 5.703 5.696 5.557 5.551 5.725 5.608 5.725 5.603 5.677 5.638 5.573 5.640 5.561 5.631 5.563 5.671 5.662 5.569 5.648 5.680 5.681 5.551 5.555 5.578 5.701 5.645 5.670 5.574 5.594 5.705 5.633 5.719 5.680 5.647 5.641 5.553 5.616 5.698 5.552 5.566 5.559 5.697 5.686 5.560 5.629 5.701 5.622 5.615 5.553 5.608 5.637 5.663 5.696 5.714 5.675 5.613 5.594 5.669 5.569 5.716 5.705 5.603 5.709 5.717 5.606 5.581 5.575 5.601 5.600 5.664 5.715 5.705 5.583 5.586 5.592 5.550 5.628 5.662 5.603 5.559 5.676 5.558 5.678 5.671 5.642 5.581 5.568 5.706 5.665 5.712 5.574 5.602 5.699 5.716 5.693 5.711 5.635 5.612 BLANK #1: Is this a question involving mean or proportion? ***ANSWER "MEAN" OR "PROPORTION" (WITHOUT THE QUOTATION MARKS)*** BLANK #2: What is the LOW end of the estimate ***ANSWER TO 3 DECIMALS*** BLANK #3: What is the HIGH end of the estimate ***ANSWER TO 3 DECIMALS***



Answer to a math question You have been hired to estimate the average weight of quarters in circulation. Based on the sample of quarters you collect (below), create a 90% confidence interval for the weight of quarters in circulation. Quarter Weights (grams) 5.631 5.714 5.719 5.689 5.551 5.723 5.705 5.627 5.627 5.715 5.576 5.632 5.641 5.676 5.660 5.699 5.609 5.634 5.713 5.591 5.674 5.675 5.684 5.694 5.655 5.632 5.598 5.675 5.628 5.562 5.636 5.583 5.567 5.551 5.649 5.708 5.696 5.614 5.637 5.601 5.628 5.711 5.566 5.653 5.653 5.597 5.687 5.717 5.678 5.654 5.556 5.707 5.563 5.628 5.679 5.714 5.555 5.719 5.634 5.647 5.717 5.612 5.705 5.657 5.670 5.607 5.687 5.666 5.612 5.718 5.714 5.713 5.663 5.641 5.589 5.656 5.712 5.639 5.577 5.580 5.674 5.636 5.625 5.597 5.616 5.591 5.616 5.700 5.706 5.695 5.562 5.699 5.607 5.573 5.659 5.632 5.654 5.568 5.628 5.687 5.605 5.689 5.687 5.554 5.618 5.701 5.681 5.645 5.714 5.665 5.661 5.634 5.714 5.586 5.656 5.673 5.657 5.717 5.611 5.578 5.579 5.614 5.644 5.724 5.647 5.566 5.697 5.558 5.586 5.586 5.611 5.573 5.573 5.709 5.629 5.649 5.552 5.615 5.645 5.611 5.686 5.588 5.641 5.704 5.703 5.696 5.557 5.551 5.725 5.608 5.725 5.603 5.677 5.638 5.573 5.640 5.561 5.631 5.563 5.671 5.662 5.569 5.648 5.680 5.681 5.551 5.555 5.578 5.701 5.645 5.670 5.574 5.594 5.705 5.633 5.719 5.680 5.647 5.641 5.553 5.616 5.698 5.552 5.566 5.559 5.697 5.686 5.560 5.629 5.701 5.622 5.615 5.553 5.608 5.637 5.663 5.696 5.714 5.675 5.613 5.594 5.669 5.569 5.716 5.705 5.603 5.709 5.717 5.606 5.581 5.575 5.601 5.600 5.664 5.715 5.705 5.583 5.586 5.592 5.550 5.628 5.662 5.603 5.559 5.676 5.558 5.678 5.671 5.642 5.581 5.568 5.706 5.665 5.712 5.574 5.602 5.699 5.716 5.693 5.711 5.635 5.612 BLANK #1: Is this a question involving mean or proportion? ***ANSWER "MEAN" OR "PROPORTION" (WITHOUT THE QUOTATION MARKS)*** BLANK #2: What is the LOW end of the estimate ***ANSWER TO 3 DECIMALS*** BLANK #3: What is the HIGH end of the estimate ***ANSWER TO 3 DECIMALS***

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Answer: Blank1: Mean Blank2: 5.635 Blank3: 5.646

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