
QUESTION 4: Cancun: British market, one of the most profitable, has collapsed Although Quintana Roo has the most visited destinations and has broken records in arrival of tourists but the absence of the British market becomes more evident, since It is one of the most profitable for the destination and affects the income generated by tourism. British travelers take vacations for at least two weeks, take care of their budget, but they especially choose the all-inclusive model accommodations and with the difference between the value of the pound sterling and the Mexican peso they have the possibility of spending more, making it a more profitable tourist for Mexico, so Carlos Velázquez points out in his Money in Image column. It also refers to the difference in the tastes of tourists. Americans who lead the market, where it is noted that they are less demanding and spend more and the Colombian who occupies third place, who only travels for stays short one week and spend less. However, it would be a matter of promotion in the British country, where 10 years ago it was managed to increase the issuance thanks to a campaign developed by the government Mexican, with good results. “Great Britain became the third issuing country of travelers to Mexico, which in some years exceeded 600 thousand,” reveals Velázquez in his column. As reported by, the Cancun International Airport has been already placed some 10 percentage points above the figures reached in 2019, a year in which 23.4 million passengers arrived, so it is expected to close 2022 with significant growth, meaning that the figure of 25 could be reached million passengers. (Cancun Airport already exceeds the number of passengers of 2019). Carlos Trueba Coll, director of the Cancun International Airport, trusted in the good performance of the destination, which has allowed this growth, with an average of 510 daily operations and peaks of more than 600 operations in one day. “Already We surpassed the numbers from 2019, we are doing quite well, with eight to 10 percent above 2019 and we hope to close with that percentage for the remainder of the year. year,” he reported at the time. Source: (01/08/2022) A. (1 point) Identify the variables that could have affected the interest of tourists British, to visit Cancun. B. (1 point) Graphically show how the year 2022 would be closing according to Please indicate which determinants would be influencing your results. C. (2 points) What effect would be generated in this market if new airlines entered the market? Cancun market? Briefly explain and analyze graphically.



Answer to a math question QUESTION 4: Cancun: British market, one of the most profitable, has collapsed Although Quintana Roo has the most visited destinations and has broken records in arrival of tourists but the absence of the British market becomes more evident, since It is one of the most profitable for the destination and affects the income generated by tourism. British travelers take vacations for at least two weeks, take care of their budget, but they especially choose the all-inclusive model accommodations and with the difference between the value of the pound sterling and the Mexican peso they have the possibility of spending more, making it a more profitable tourist for Mexico, so Carlos Velázquez points out in his Money in Image column. It also refers to the difference in the tastes of tourists. Americans who lead the market, where it is noted that they are less demanding and spend more and the Colombian who occupies third place, who only travels for stays short one week and spend less. However, it would be a matter of promotion in the British country, where 10 years ago it was managed to increase the issuance thanks to a campaign developed by the government Mexican, with good results. “Great Britain became the third issuing country of travelers to Mexico, which in some years exceeded 600 thousand,” reveals Velázquez in his column. As reported by, the Cancun International Airport has been already placed some 10 percentage points above the figures reached in 2019, a year in which 23.4 million passengers arrived, so it is expected to close 2022 with significant growth, meaning that the figure of 25 could be reached million passengers. (Cancun Airport already exceeds the number of passengers of 2019). Carlos Trueba Coll, director of the Cancun International Airport, trusted in the good performance of the destination, which has allowed this growth, with an average of 510 daily operations and peaks of more than 600 operations in one day. “Already We surpassed the numbers from 2019, we are doing quite well, with eight to 10 percent above 2019 and we hope to close with that percentage for the remainder of the year. year,” he reported at the time. Source: (01/08/2022) A. (1 point) Identify the variables that could have affected the interest of tourists British, to visit Cancun. B. (1 point) Graphically show how the year 2022 would be closing according to Please indicate which determinants would be influencing your results. C. (2 points) What effect would be generated in this market if new airlines entered the market? Cancun market? Briefly explain and analyze graphically.

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A. Identifique las variables que pudieron haber afectado el interés de los turistas británicos en visitar Cancún. Varias variables pueden haber influido en la disminución del turismo británico que visita Cancún: Tipo de cambio: La diferencia de valor entre la libra esterlina y el peso mexicano afecta el poder adquisitivo de los turistas británicos. Una libra más fuerte significa mayor poder adquisitivo, mientras que una libra más débil disuadiría a los turistas debido a que su dinero tiene un valor menor. Promoción turística: La falta de campañas de promoción recientes dirigidas al mercado británico ha reducido la visibilidad de Cancún como destino preferente. En el pasado, las campañas de promoción impulsaron significativamente el turismo procedente del Reino Unido. Preferencias de viaje: Los turistas británicos prefieren los alojamientos con todo incluido, lo que los convierte en un mercado rentable. Si este tipo de alojamientos no se promocionan ni se actualizan para satisfacer la demanda, podría reducirse el interés. Destinos en competencia: Otros destinos pueden ofrecer mejores precios o ser más atractivos, desviando a los turistas británicos de Cancún. Secuelas de la pandemia de COVID-19: Los efectos persistentes de la pandemia aún podrían afectar las decisiones de los turistas británicos de viajar largas distancias. Las restricciones de viaje, las preocupaciones sanitarias y los cambios en los hábitos vacacionales también podrían influir en esto. Condiciones económicas mundiales: Problemas económicos como la inflación, los temores de recesión o las preocupaciones por el costo de vida pueden reducir el ingreso disponible para vacaciones de lujo, incluidos los viajes a Cancún.

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