The company Mancha Verde SA has the following history for the month in
a) Initial Inventory: $780,200.-
b) Donation to Hogar de Cristo for $38,000.-
c) A credit note was posted for a sales return, equal to an amount of $65,000
d) The final inventory amounts to $812,000.-
e) The owner has made withdrawals for $21,000.- (cost price)
f) Invoices for merchandise purchase expenses for the month (freight and insurance) amount to
$176,800.- (net)
g) Losses of $27,300 are detected.-
h) Purchases of merchandise amount to $1,285,200.- (VAT included) and returns
made to suppliers amount to $83,700.- (net)
1. Ledger of the “single merchandise” account if it is known that the debit balance of the account is $432,000
2. Prepare Cost Statement
3. Accounting Records under the Integral Split method, partial split into three
4. Income Statement.